
”I’m not used to having anyone who would be happy or sad together with me. But with you, I know I’m not alone, I have got someone who minds whether I wake up in the morning or not.”

We invite you to join us in building a community that embraces the homeless people of Israel and those on the fringes of society. Together we will make sure no one will be left behind.


Want to support our cause?

Here is how you can transfer a donation:

  1. Via Bit or Paybox:
    To the mumber +972-50-6230242
  2. Via bank transfer to the account:

    Yahav bank – 04
    Ha’Kirya branch – 131
    Account number – 654918

    Migrash Beiti
  3. Via our donation page on JGive:
    Click this link to donate via JGive >
  4. Via Paypal:

    Click here to donate via Paypal >
  5. Via credit card:
    Click here to donate via credit card>

1: Choose the amount you wish to donate

2: Choose the donation method

3: Personal Details

4: Please confirm the terms and conditions in order to donate

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